Korean Hostages held by Taliban were Trying to Convert Muslims

1. U.S.A.
With between 12,000 and 17,000 missionaries in over 160 countries, South Korea has one of the biggest and most aggressive armies of Christian missionaries on earth. The number is second only to the estimate for the United States of 46,000. A conservative association of Protestant churches in South Korea has called for dispatching 100,000 missionaries by 2030.
Along with those full-time missionaries, South Korean churches dispatch numerous short-term evangelical, educational and medical missions. Saemmul Church has stressed that Bae's group was not engaged in evangelism, doing only relief work at hospitals and kindergartens. Nonetheless, the hostage crisis, and the deportation last year of 1,600 South Korean Christians gathering for a "peace festival" in Afghanistan, highlighted the overseas activities of South Korean Christians.

Even small churches finance missionary expeditions, thanks to congregations generous with cash donations. Churches advertise their overseas missionary work to attract young members.
"Traditionally the number of missionaries from a country has depended on that country's economic power. In South Korea's case, the number far exceeds its economic standing," said Song Jae Ryong, a sociologist at Seoul's Kyunghee University. "Like Koreans in general, the Korean churches have a strong tendency of following a trend as a pack and going relentlessly after a goal."
In such an atmosphere, young people going on short-term missions arranged by these churches often do not properly train on safety and learn about indigenous religious and cultural backgrounds of their host countries, Song said.

Bae left a job at a big South Korean company to study theology. He was ordained in 2001. He regularly traveled abroad on volunteer missions, most recently to Bangladesh. He reportedly told his friends that he "wanted to save people not with money, but with religion." His dream came to an abrupt end when Taliban gunmen stopped a bus carrying Bae's group from Kabul to the southern city of Kandahar.

Above: The Afghan government permitted a "cultural festival" by the IACD (Institute of Asian Culture and Development) but the Institute is argued to be a Korean Christian group.

Above: The Korean group shows the Afghani people their martial arts.

Above Pictures: It is claimed by a beggar and a man who interviewed him that the Christian Korean group obtained access past staff and guards to holy Islamic sites, like a mosque and a grave, by wearing black Islamic veils and then conducted their prayers through Christian worship.
Alternate Explanations

The US Originally Imported Radical Christianity to Korea
Protestant missionaries from the US came to the Korean peninsula in the late 19th century.
Christianity initially failed to make a big impact in China and Japan, where missionaries were regarded as agents of Western imperialism.
Seoul's Yoido Full Gospel Church is the largest in the world. But the "religion from the West" spread quickly in the Hermit Kingdom, and American missionaries were seen by Korean nationalists as a source of support in their fight against Japanese colonial rulers.
Now South Korea has the largest percentage of evangelical Christians in Asia, at about 25% of the population. Having achieved such a following at home, Korean churches have started in the last couple of decades to look at ways to expand abroad.

"Pastors of big churches want to show off that they are doing something great for Christianity. Korea is a small country that has achieved a strong economy, and it wants to show its success to the world," said Chung-shin Park, a professor of Korean church history.
"Apart from the strong religious zeal, there is also a sense of nationalism behind this," he said.
"The church's ambition is to overtake the US and become the world's number one exporter of missionaries within the next two decades."
Source: http://allahholy.blogspot.com/ ; http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6915268.stm ; http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/07/26/asia/korea.php?page=1
faked article by anti-religioner,
no original text, translated with intend to cheating.
You don't know about how many a christian in Korea are self-righteous in they-called their faith. They seem to COMPEL their faith to the others without considering any difference.
Of course, I wish they could make it and come back home alive.
But in some way, they deserve it.
Ignoring other cultures could result in bad things, for instance like the Crusade War, you know.
to Korean simple.
This is not good for hostages,
but there're no cheating.
It's almost true and they
must reflect of their action.
But I don't wanna that they're killed.
There's Nothing but the truth in this article.
I don't know why but the Korean Media is censoring the online boards for spreadng the truth...
that Youtube video is even blocked by the Korean government.
한국은 아프간에 아무런 관련이 없습니다.
(NO concern with afghan and korea)
한국은 단지 아프간에 봉사하러 갔습니다.
(korea have been in afghan with Free medical service)
한국은 아프간의 평화를 원합니다.
(korea & korean want only afghan's peace.)
한국의 아프간 봉사단은 전쟁에서 고통받는 사람들을 도우러갔습니다.
(korean volunteer has gone to afghan only with to help people suffering from war)
한국도 전쟁을 겪었습니다.
(korean has experienced last 1950, by U.S.S.R and U.S.A war)
한국도 전쟁의 고통을 알고 있습니다.
(korean known people suffering from war too.)
탈레반은 한국인 인질을 조건없이 석방해야합니다.
(Taliban must be free korean hostage with no demand!)
23인 봉사단은 단지 봉사하러 갔을뿐입니다.
(They 32 free medical service & education team has gone to afghan not
religious action but only to help people suffering from the war.)
한국은 아프간에 아무런 관련이 없습니다.
(NO concern with afghan and korea)
한국은 단지 아프간에 봉사하러 갔습니다.
(korea have been in afghan with Free medical service)
한국은 아프간의 평화를 원합니다.
(korea & korean want only afghan's peace.)
한국의 아프간 봉사단은 전쟁에서 고통받는 사람들을 도우러갔습니다.
(korean volunteer has gone to afghan only with to help people suffering from war)
한국도 전쟁을 겪었습니다.
(korean has experienced last 1950, by U.S.S.R and U.S.A war)
한국도 전쟁의 고통을 알고 있습니다.
(korean known people suffering from war too.)
탈레반은 한국인 인질을 조건없이 석방해야합니다.
(Taliban must be free korean hostage with no demand!)
23인 봉사단은 단지 봉사하러 갔을뿐입니다.
(They 32 free medical service & education team has gone to afghan not
religious action but only to help people suffering from the war.)
fw: free from the war afghan~~
from : im hyun ju:mail to :afghanlove@
sent :thursday.march.19.2007 3:39am
to :lee min girl
subject : afghan ^^
hi~ professor!
it/s joyful news... we decide go back home korea.
in this country from tomorrow to the day after a off days.....
our medical service team may be able to help dental clinic this week. so we not able e-mail.
This time afghan case is the first we service case.
thanks.pofessor. next time ^^//
she is the sub mayor doctor nurse in the great public a hospital yon-sei univ in korea.
family opposite she's deoartur to afghan medical serivce for the people suffering from war.
but she departure from a country with no remain behind. she loves
medical service for people suffering from the war as past korean has experiened U.S.S.r & America war.
Are We Enemy??? My Muslim Brother.
They had gone to afghanistan to provide free medical and educational services with no missionary intention only with young spirit of challenge,help other people suffering from the war.
Please. help themselves in generouse islamic mercy.
Are We enemy??? My Muslim Brother.
We, koeran forced America to dispatch combat troop, but We korea diskpatch medical troops instead of combat troops for to help people suffring from the war of afghan muslim brother.
but Now.
taliban make spoil of korea's effort struggle with America's force to dispatch combat troops.
and Taliban make korea from friend to enemy.
If 22 remain hostages be harmed by taliban as muslim brother of afghan, We korea has no resistance from America's combat troops dispatch demend of korea anymore.
taliban make spoil any effort of korea government of afghan's peace and friendship.
They 23 medical service team had gone with friendship of afghan.
Do not make spoil any effort of korean and korea Gorenment for to help people suffring from the war of afghan
instead of on purpose money and hostages.
We korea have no concern with afghan. only America's political forced to korea go to afghan.
We want only free from afghan. any troops and any voluntiers medical team in afghan.
We want afghan's peace. We korea no concern with afghan. only with America's political forced to korea go to afghan.
and now Taliban make korea dispatch *combat troops* instead of medical troops. of America's political force to korea. We, korea have no choice.
Ameica want hostages die,to force korea dispatch combat troops.
afghan want hostages die, same.
Only korea want hostages is no harm, for no concern with afghan. free from the afghan and taliban.
but taliban make force to dispatch korea *combat troops* instead of free from afghan.
This post desperately needs a broken-English translator.
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